Company Messaging and Branding Workshops

  • Identifying/crystallising impactful messages, and customer points, that capture corporate and market positioning
  • Review of how your company is currently perceived and how it wants to be perceived moving forwards – utilising a brand pyramid technique and reputation strategy
  • Feed consistent messaging into all marketing communications tools including: press materials, website content (including SEO and Google Adwords), digital platforms, press materials (including Boilerplate)

Industry Voice

  • We advocate dividing messages into two broad categories of ‘corporate’ and ‘product/service/science’ with spokespeople assigned to each
  • For major announcements and corporate positioning: senior executives such as the CEO or Marketing Director can be utilised
  • For commentary or by-lined articles on individual elements:  business development and/or scientific staff where appropriate
  • This approach has the dual benefits of widening your exposure to the media whilst making ‘front line’ staff more visible to prospective clients

Media Training

  • Training on body language and interview techniques covering approaches to dealing with media interviews
  • The fewer the succinct, clear messages an interviewee has and the more that these are repeated, the more coherent and impactful an interview will be
  • Tease out and crystallise an approach to the media – with Q&A style response sheets drafted for any potential contentious issues

Proactive Media Relations


  • Systematic, structured and tailored to the right audience
  • Integrating KOL programmes into any media campaign, leveraging their authority to enhance your credibility
  • Utilising media as an audience and a channel
  • Personalised approach: regular contact with the media that count
  • Translating complex science for any editorial environment

Core Materials:

  • Online and print
  • Press packs – fact sheets, backgrounders, Q&As and recent press release announcements

News Flow:

  • Press releases geared to your business and marketing strategies
  • Extensive media pitching/contact
  • Proactive and reactive press desk

Thought Leadership and Scientific Writing

We focus on reader/end-user issues and tailor our feature initiatives accordingly – articles are only as good as the people that read them!

  • Q&A style articles – following interviews (written or oral) – time efficient communications
  • “Share of voice” commentary in articles written by journalists – equally time efficient
  • By-lined articles – authored by key people at your organisation and written by us from start to finish
  • Forward features – informed commentary on industry issues
  • Profile articles – written by journalists, following briefings, covering a client’s offering and services
  • Case studies – an organisation’s chance to showcase examples of its work and how this could be applied to your prospective clients
  • High Science/Technical Articles and Peer-review – utilising our bank of PhD writers to draft and edit copy that highlights your organisation’s USPs


  • Positions you authoritatively
  • Thought leadership credibility amongst peers
  • Demonstrates quality of product, science, management and corporate strategy

Crisis Communications


  • Issues audit and risk assessment
  • Scenario planning
  • Crisis manual or issues book
  • Media training
  • Crisis simulation exercise

Rapid Response and Recovery:

  • Issues monitoring and analysis
  • Crisis counsel
  • Crisis response programme
  • Crisis control centre
  • Crisis recovery programme

Digital, Video and Social Media Interlinked Platforms

  • Thought leadership blogs
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Promotional videos
  • Digital devices

Search Engine Optimisation and Google Ads Strategies

Marketing Tools: Website and Collateral

  • Writing and designing core communications materials
  • Website – design, enhance, refresh & animation
  • Strap lines and descriptors
  • Brochures – textual content & imagery
  • Corporate, product & technology fact sheets
  • Flyers (print & on-line)
  • PowerPoint templates
  • Exhibition stands

Events/Conferences: Speeches and Presentations

  • Support and Counsel
  • Exhibit/showcase products
  • Fully researched conference list
  • Securing speaker opportunities
  • Meet the media and new business prospects/leads
  • Press release announcements
  • Marketing materials and positioning

Conference Materials:

  • Presentations – writing presentations from scratch
  • Exhibitor stand materials
  • Flyers, brochures, holders
  • Posters