Company Messaging and Branding Workshops

  • Identifying/crystallising impactful messages, and customer points, that capture corporate and market positioning
  • Review of how your company is currently perceived and how it wants to be perceived moving forwards – utilising a brand pyramid technique and reputation strategy
  • Feed consistent messaging into all marketing communications tools including: press materials, website content (including SEO and Google Adwords), digital platforms, press materials (including Boilerplate)

Industry Voice

  • We advocate dividing messages into two broad categories of ‘corporate’ and ‘product/service/science’ with spokespeople assigned to each
  • For major announcements and corporate positioning: senior executives such as the CEO or Marketing Director can be utilised
  • For commentary or by-lined articles on individual elements:  business development and/or scientific staff where appropriate
  • This approach has the dual benefits of widening your exposure to the media whilst making ‘front line’ staff more visible to prospective clients

Media Training

  • Training on body language and interview techniques covering approaches to dealing with media interviews
  • The fewer the succinct, clear messages an interviewee has and the more that these are repeated, the more coherent and impactful an interview will be
  • Tease out and crystallise an approach to the media – with Q&A style response sheets drafted for any potential contentious issues

Proactive Media Relations


  • Systematic, structured and tailored to the right audience
  • Integrating KOL programmes into any media campaign, leveraging their authority to enhance your credibility
  • Utilising media as an audience and a channel
  • Personalised approach: regular contact with the media that count
  • Translating complex science for any editorial environment

Core Materials:

  • Online and print
  • Press packs – fact sheets, backgrounders, Q&As and recent press release announcements

News Flow:

  • Press releases geared to your business and marketing strategies
  • Extensive media pitching/contact
  • Proactive and reactive press desk

Thought Leadership, Scientific and Corporate Writing

We focus on reader/end-user issues and tailor our feature initiatives accordingly – articles are only as good as the people that read them!

  • Q&A style articles – following interviews (written or oral) – time efficient communications
  • “Share of voice” commentary in articles written by journalists – equally time efficient
  • By-lined articles – authored by key people at your organisation and written by us from start to finish
  • Forward features – informed commentary on industry issues
  • Profile articles – written by journalists, following briefings, covering a client’s offering and services
  • Case studies – an organisation’s chance to showcase examples of its work and how this could be applied to your prospective clients
  • High Science/Technical Articles and Peer-review – utilising our bank of PhD writers to draft and edit copy that highlights your organisation’s USPs
  • Industry and science focussed report writing


  • Positions you authoritatively
  • Thought leadership credibility amongst peers
  • Demonstrates quality of product, science, management and corporate strategy

Crisis Communications


  • Issues audit and risk assessment
  • Scenario planning
  • Crisis manual or issues book
  • Media training
  • Crisis simulation exercise

Rapid Response and Recovery:

  • Issues monitoring and analysis
  • Crisis counsel
  • Crisis response programme
  • Crisis control centre
  • Crisis recovery programme

Digital, Video and Social Media Interlinked Platforms

  • Thought leadership blogs
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Promotional videos
  • Digital devices

Search Engine Optimisation and Google Ads Strategies

Marketing Tools: Website and Collateral

  • Writing and designing core communications materials
  • Website – design, enhance, refresh & animation
  • Strap lines and descriptors
  • Brochures – textual content & imagery
  • Corporate, product & technology fact sheets
  • Flyers (print & on-line)
  • PowerPoint templates
  • Exhibition stands

Events/Conferences: Speeches and Presentations

  • Support and Counsel
  • Exhibit/showcase products
  • Fully researched conference list
  • Securing speaker opportunities
  • Meet the media and new business prospects/leads
  • Press release announcements
  • Marketing materials and positioning

Conference Materials:

  • Presentations – writing presentations from scratch
  • Exhibitor stand materials
  • Flyers, brochures, holders
  • Posters

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Analysing relevant stakeholder groups for products, services and technology
  • Formulating and drafting tailored and targeted messaging and communications materials
  • Influencing the Influencers and Authoritative Voices: building and strengthening relationships with medical and clinical key opinion leaders, ranging from academic professors through to GPs, surgeons and patient facing clinicians
  • Patient Centricity: designing intelligent patient engagement programmes that best empower patients to understand their role in their treatments, enhance their adherence to their treatment and improve their satisfaction, and advocacy programmes that help patients navigate the healthcare system and best communicate with healthcare providers
  • Ongoing communication strategies
  • Planning and support for conferences, symposia and other relevant events